I have in my possession a LanguageEntity.ID and need to retrieve from the ArrayList, LanguageEntity.Description where the ID matches.
Ideally, I want to do this:
LanguageEntity referencedLangEntity = allLanguages.SingleOrDefault
string description = referencedLangEntity.Description;
and be done with it!
However, it appears that SingleOrDefaul
Converting from the ArrayList to List
So instead, I have come up with this solution using Lambda expressions:
var query = from LanguageEntity lang in allLanges
where lang.ISOCode == language.LanguageCodeID
select lang;
string description = query.First
I hope to find a more elegant solution...any recommendations would be most welcome!
It has been suggested that one can convert from the ArrayList to an Array of LanguageEntity objects and then you can call SingleOrDefault:
SingleOrDefault with object property refernces
But that didn't work ( because the ArrayList i had been given was actually full of Hashtables, not LanguageEnity's).
So instead, i've gone with the simplest way possible:
foreach (Hashtable ht in allLangsArrayList) { if (ht["value"].ToString() == language.LanguageCodeID) { table = ht; break; } }
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