Friday, 7 November 2014

I want to help in the Ebola crisis - but how?

I am writing this post for both myself and others as a reference dictating how I went about choosing which charities to support in order to combat the outbreak of Ebola.

An initial quick Google revealed a website by the Centre for International Disaster Information - whose focus is on effective public donations to international crisis situations.

They present this list of organisations that are working in West Africa against Ebola:

Another quick Google found a site that was focussed on assessing charities use of donations - with a rating scheme comparing similar charities against one another - a fantastic tool to ensure that your donation is being spent wisely!

I then chose the following charities from the list and ensured that they each put at least 90% of the funds they recieved back into their programs.

Direct Relief -
These guys are focussed on getting urgent supplies into the heart of the crisis.
It is worth mentioning that in the past financial year, Direct Relief put a massive 99% of their funds back into their programs!

Africare -
Well established organisation that has been on the ground in Africa helping with many things for a long time...


International Medical Corps -
Focussed on various things including treatment of patients as well as training staff and doctors.

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